Showing 12 Result(s)

Stop letting your mistakes and failures hold you back from being all you can be

Hang out with me as I share the quote that, when I read it, was an AHA-moment that not only gave me permission to go easier on myself but also changed the way I look at failure and making mistakes.  As leaders, we need to get comfortable with being transparent and courageous when it comes …

Why confidence is a lie and what to shift your focus to instead

Don’t believe the hype, guys, don’t believe it! Hang out with me as I share my thoughts and experience when it comes to confidence and what to chase after instead!  I would love to hear from you, so don’t be shy about reaching out to me. My email address is and you can find …

Refusing to accept the hustle and grind as the only way to success

Hang out with me in this episode where I share my insights on how NOT listening to everyone else and what works, and instead doing what works for you, is a less stressful and more enjoyable way to succeed. Reach out to me with questions, insights or just to say “hi” at I would …

003: How to get started to consciously and consistently show up as the truest version of yourself

In this episode, I share with you the first content pillar of this podcast. Consciousness is a mindset skill we need to exercise to develop. Becoming aware of how we show up as our best in this world and being mindful about it can change the way we live and work. This is a good …